
Friday 21 February 2014

The Greek Polis

We've explained yet what polis were but we are goint to developing more this question. Each greek polis had their own laws, costums, political system or army. Two of the most important polis were Sparta and Athens. Along time these polis were faced but when greek territory was  threatened they joined.

Their battle tried to choose which could be the most important and rich polis in the area although there were many differents between they. Sparta was a polis with a population dedicated to fight. Their citizens were educated in the useful of weapons, in combat and to endure a lot of pain. Regarding this their political system was aristochratic and very elitist, that means, the goverment belonged to richest and most important people. 

However, Athens was originally like Sparta but over the years was transformed until belonged in the first democratic system in the history. It wasn't a perfect democracy because only citizens could join and in Athens no all people were citizen, only men ( whom parents were citizens ). The rest of people ( women, metecs, slaves..) weren't citizens and so they didn't have neither rights nor privileges.

The step from oligarquic system ( like Sparta ) to democratic system was very slow and started when some people who helped to defend the city in many ocassions gave their rights to join in the decisions of the city. Some philosofical strenghened that position and, step by step, started the firts referedum and the creation of different government institutions. However , we cann't forgot only citizens could vote and join in the political.

1. Define oligarquic and democratic system
2. Who were aristochratic people?
3. Look the picture and answer the questions :
a.What are the differences in educational system? and women?
b.What did city defend the war like a success? Why ?
4. Look the picture :
a. How did Pericles define democracy?
b. What were the ancient political systems?
c. May a state be a democrathic monarchy? Think about that

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