
Thursday 20 February 2014

Advantages team job

Sometimes I forgot students level, I mean, They are in 1st o 2nd ESO and only are 11 or 12 years old. If I remember when I was younger than now I can modify my classes  so I can feel myself  like them. 

When I do this I readapt my contents, my activities and, besides, I enjoy more my job while I look at the students and how They work the subject by themselves. Obviously anything has positive and negative aspects and this is not different. At first I 'd like to explain negative aspects even though I'm going to focus in positive aspects. The negative would be : 

- Speak aloud
- No all people will work
- A lot of time to organizate and prepare exposure.

Otherwise the aspects positive are : 

- Integration
- Collaboration
- Find leaders in the group
- Learning by themself
- Social skills

I recommend to you do this activity sometime in any unit of your book. If you do it you will see all these advantages.

I hope your opinion :)

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