
Friday 28 February 2014

How was Hera?

Hera was a greek goddess. She was married with Zeus. The very first thing you notice about Hera is her eyes. For students there are different features of her personallity taht they highlight. They think she was selfish and jealous but as well think she was stronger than the most of gods and goddess.  

And the other hand Hera belongs to the most important part of the mitology ( because was in the main greek events ) and this fascinates to the students. For learning about Hera They always have to do an exposure ( report speech ) in class. They can use TICS, but no paper, I mean, They have to be able to break their fear to the stages because in their live they may need it.

At the end of the unit, among all the students ,the most part of the gods and goddess have been explained. This part of the unit is the 50 per cent of the mark and the rest provides of an exam where they have to work skills related with writing and readind about unit.

Otherwise I haven't told like Hera was. Hera represented all things that women have had to support over the years : faithful, lover, tidy, obedient...Looks like women couldn't be strong, aggresive or independent.

Luckly, now things are changing, step by step, and there is a big part of the population who want a real equality between men and women.

a. Describe this image of Hera

b.What do you think about the text?
c. Can you write like you are in 6 sentences or more.

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