
Wednesday 19 February 2014

The difficult to create an empire in Greece

At the beginning of VII aC century one civilization started to convert in one of he most important civilization of our history : Greeks. They appeared in Greek Peninsule, in southern of Europe, and were originally a group of different people ( aqueos, doris i micènics )who lived in this area but , in a steady evolution , They finished sharing language and religion. This process included many battles among all these cultures and, finally were the doris who occupied the most of territory.

Some of the most important problems in this age and site were the phisical features of Greece : mountains and rivers didn't let a good communication between cities and towns therefore the most of cities became in polis ( cities that had own laws and territory to manage ).

The problem was the cities fought among them to achive the power in the area while They joined when a common enemy tried to atack the greek area.

How did Greek generate a global idea about religion, world or education ?

As we've said language and religion were common and this helped to greeks to felt part of a same culture. However, the educational system strengthened that idea. All children learnt history since classical books such as Iliada o Odyssea which wrote about the adventures of Troja or Ullyses.

Other aspects importants about religion were Greeks were Polyteisthic ( that means they believed in a lot of Gods ) and their gods were anthropomorphic ( Were like humans )

1. Define poli, language and doris
2. Write the main features of Greek civilization
3. Explain which were the problems ?
4. Now, you can do a outline
5. Look at the picture and answer the questions : 

a. What are the countries that close Greece?
b. Can you write the name of 2 mountains? And polis?
c. Describe where Athens is

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