
Friday 28 February 2014

How was Hera?

Hera was a greek goddess. She was married with Zeus. The very first thing you notice about Hera is her eyes. For students there are different features of her personallity taht they highlight. They think she was selfish and jealous but as well think she was stronger than the most of gods and goddess.  

And the other hand Hera belongs to the most important part of the mitology ( because was in the main greek events ) and this fascinates to the students. For learning about Hera They always have to do an exposure ( report speech ) in class. They can use TICS, but no paper, I mean, They have to be able to break their fear to the stages because in their live they may need it.

At the end of the unit, among all the students ,the most part of the gods and goddess have been explained. This part of the unit is the 50 per cent of the mark and the rest provides of an exam where they have to work skills related with writing and readind about unit.

Otherwise I haven't told like Hera was. Hera represented all things that women have had to support over the years : faithful, lover, tidy, obedient...Looks like women couldn't be strong, aggresive or independent.

Luckly, now things are changing, step by step, and there is a big part of the population who want a real equality between men and women.

a. Describe this image of Hera

b.What do you think about the text?
c. Can you write like you are in 6 sentences or more.

Monday 24 February 2014

When Students aren't motivated in class

During this course I have seen how students became less and less interested in the subject, independently which was the topic we were speaking. At first I thougt it could be by topics or part of the year ( I mean students don't behave the same way in function of month or week day ) but ,now, I know there are another problems.
I have always said ( and listened ) that one of the most important part of the education are teachers and, therefore, I 'm worried about that so I could be the problem. Otherwise, I have tried to change the assessments , the way to teach, types of exercise..but I haven't found one solution yet.
I 've talked with my colleagues and They have the same problem and we only are in the middle of the course...
I have to make a decision in some hours and I've been thinking that while I don't find the magic key I 'm going to do students work more than now and collect their activities at the end of unit or week.
I 've tried to motivate students, to show the part more interesting of history, to change types of doing class..but I have not had any good result.
As result of this I am a bit worried but I believe in goals and, now, my main goal is to achieve students work better and , at least, pass the subject.
If I haven't been able to motivate students I must change my strategies.
Finally, I demmand colleagues who could help me in this situation.

See you.

Friday 21 February 2014

The Greek Polis

We've explained yet what polis were but we are goint to developing more this question. Each greek polis had their own laws, costums, political system or army. Two of the most important polis were Sparta and Athens. Along time these polis were faced but when greek territory was  threatened they joined.

Their battle tried to choose which could be the most important and rich polis in the area although there were many differents between they. Sparta was a polis with a population dedicated to fight. Their citizens were educated in the useful of weapons, in combat and to endure a lot of pain. Regarding this their political system was aristochratic and very elitist, that means, the goverment belonged to richest and most important people. 

However, Athens was originally like Sparta but over the years was transformed until belonged in the first democratic system in the history. It wasn't a perfect democracy because only citizens could join and in Athens no all people were citizen, only men ( whom parents were citizens ). The rest of people ( women, metecs, slaves..) weren't citizens and so they didn't have neither rights nor privileges.

The step from oligarquic system ( like Sparta ) to democratic system was very slow and started when some people who helped to defend the city in many ocassions gave their rights to join in the decisions of the city. Some philosofical strenghened that position and, step by step, started the firts referedum and the creation of different government institutions. However , we cann't forgot only citizens could vote and join in the political.

1. Define oligarquic and democratic system
2. Who were aristochratic people?
3. Look the picture and answer the questions :
a.What are the differences in educational system? and women?
b.What did city defend the war like a success? Why ?
4. Look the picture :
a. How did Pericles define democracy?
b. What were the ancient political systems?
c. May a state be a democrathic monarchy? Think about that

Thursday 20 February 2014

Advantages team job

Sometimes I forgot students level, I mean, They are in 1st o 2nd ESO and only are 11 or 12 years old. If I remember when I was younger than now I can modify my classes  so I can feel myself  like them. 

When I do this I readapt my contents, my activities and, besides, I enjoy more my job while I look at the students and how They work the subject by themselves. Obviously anything has positive and negative aspects and this is not different. At first I 'd like to explain negative aspects even though I'm going to focus in positive aspects. The negative would be : 

- Speak aloud
- No all people will work
- A lot of time to organizate and prepare exposure.

Otherwise the aspects positive are : 

- Integration
- Collaboration
- Find leaders in the group
- Learning by themself
- Social skills

I recommend to you do this activity sometime in any unit of your book. If you do it you will see all these advantages.

I hope your opinion :)

Wednesday 19 February 2014

The difficult to create an empire in Greece

At the beginning of VII aC century one civilization started to convert in one of he most important civilization of our history : Greeks. They appeared in Greek Peninsule, in southern of Europe, and were originally a group of different people ( aqueos, doris i micènics )who lived in this area but , in a steady evolution , They finished sharing language and religion. This process included many battles among all these cultures and, finally were the doris who occupied the most of territory.

Some of the most important problems in this age and site were the phisical features of Greece : mountains and rivers didn't let a good communication between cities and towns therefore the most of cities became in polis ( cities that had own laws and territory to manage ).

The problem was the cities fought among them to achive the power in the area while They joined when a common enemy tried to atack the greek area.

How did Greek generate a global idea about religion, world or education ?

As we've said language and religion were common and this helped to greeks to felt part of a same culture. However, the educational system strengthened that idea. All children learnt history since classical books such as Iliada o Odyssea which wrote about the adventures of Troja or Ullyses.

Other aspects importants about religion were Greeks were Polyteisthic ( that means they believed in a lot of Gods ) and their gods were anthropomorphic ( Were like humans )

1. Define poli, language and doris
2. Write the main features of Greek civilization
3. Explain which were the problems ?
4. Now, you can do a outline
5. Look at the picture and answer the questions : 

a. What are the countries that close Greece?
b. Can you write the name of 2 mountains? And polis?
c. Describe where Athens is