
Tuesday 19 September 2023

236_Exemple resume text 4t ESO

 Write a text ( about 20 lines ) with these 5 words : Entailed lands, Manorialism, Agriculture, stratified society, Ancien Regim.

The Ancien Regim is the period of time before French Revolution. In this period the most important activity was the agriculture. It represented about 80% of the economy. The ariculture was very poor and improductive. One of the causes was that the land was entailed, so the lands couldn't be neither sold nor bought. On the other hand, the system was manoralism. Manorialism means that the sirs had a lot privileged over the peasants. Peasant paid taxes and They didn't have rights.

The society in this period was know as Stratified society. This society consisted on a system where the people couldn't change their statement. There were two groups of people : privileged and no privileged. The privileged was formed by church anb nobility and the no privileged was formed by peasants, bourgeisie, merchants...The last paid taxes and the privileged didn't it.

Thankful to the new idees of the Enlightment some changes started and the society and economy transformed step by step.

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