
Wednesday 22 December 2021

183_Orals Speeches about Interwal period between IWW and IIWW

You can select one of these subjects or prepare your own ( talk before with your teacher )

1. The dominance of USA after the IWW

2. The civil war in Russia ( 1918 - 1921 )

3. The Spartacus League

4. Dictatorship of Salazar

5. Dictatorship of Primo Rivera

6. Dictatorship of Dollfuss ( Austria )

7. Dictatorship of Alexander I ( Iugoslavia )

8. Dictatorship of Metaxas ( Greece )

9. Dictatorship of Kemal Atatürk ( Turkey )

10. Dictatorship of Boris III ( Bulgaria )

11. Dictatorship of Carol II ( Romania )

12. Dictatorship of Horthy ( Hongria )

13. Dictatorship of Pilsudski ( Poland )

14. Dictatorship of Voldemaras ( Lithuania )

15. Dictatorship of Ulmanis ( Letònia )

16. Dictatorship of Päts ( Estònia )

17. Les lleis de Nuremberg

18. Els camps de Concentració

19. Els Gulags

20. El Surrealisme

21. The Luftwaffe

22. Gestapo

23. The fascims

24. How are considered the Dictatorship in any country in Europe

25. The cultural genocides around Europe in this period

Rúbrica Exposició Oral 

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