
Friday 4 April 2014

Ancient Republic Roman

In the V century the etrusc monarchy of the city of Rome finished because patricians and plebs tried to have more rights and, mainly, power. They elicited a revolt and instaured a Republic System. Plebs stayed out again and continuated complaining until They obtained the "Tribú de la Pleb". The Tribú was a people's representant who joined in the meetings about the decisions which affected to the city. But this wasn't enought and plebs wanted to have their rights more clearly, more secure. Finally They obtained the "Llei de les 12 taules" where there were different rights for plebs such as marriage with citizens or have possessions.

However most people stayed out of this system because women, slaves or strangers didn't have any right.

a. Look at the image and answer the questions:

1. Who chose the Senators? And the Magistrates?
2. Who were the most important magistrates? Why?
3. Look for who were the libertos
4. What was the Senate's function?
5. What could plebeians and liberti choose?

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