
Thursday 24 April 2014

Running Dictation

First at all say to you that is an activity that you can do in any moment of the year. You only will need a piece of paper and think about 5 different sentences related with the theme or unit you are explaining. The main idea is students work their second language therefore you will have to prepare the sentences in the language you interest. For example, in my case, I prepare the sentences in english because They speak valencian or spanish.

After you have the sentences you have to do groups about 4-5 students. The system is very easy : You will be out of the class and one person of each team will go where you are and you'll show them the first sentence. They will have to memorize and come back into the class and say the sentence to their partners. You have to think about long and interesting sentences ( grammar, spell, vocabulary..) and probably this student have to do many trips to finish to say all the sentence to their partners. 

When all members of the team have the sentence another partner will have to go out and start the same method with the second sentence. All persons of the each group have to go out and work with a sentence so it's necessary same number of sentence that members of the teams ( If in any team there is not enough members one of them could do 2 sentences ).

The winner is the team which all members have written all the sentences and these are good in less time.

This activity can spend about 20-30 minuts related with the age of the students but is a good way to study some parts of the subject and apend a funny time with the students.

Here you can see one example of these sentence related with the unit of the Roman Empire in 1s ESO ( 11-12 yeras old )

  • 1.       In ancient Rome, the family was under the authority of the father, or pater familias.He had power of live and death.

  • 2.       Insulae were three or four storey apartament buildings where less wealthy famílies rented flats.

  • 3.       Domus were individual houses of wealthy famílies.

  • 4.       A Roman breakfast was made up of bread, dates, cheese and olives

  • 5.       Social Science is the best subject in the Institute. I Love it and I want to pass the next exam.

Monday 7 April 2014

How the Romans cleaned their intime parts after use the toilet you look at these two pictures you can see an ancient Roman toilet how is now ( above picture ) and , probably, how it was ( below picture ). If you analise the picture you know that Romans go to the toilet of public way, no like we go today. They didn't have walls or elements which hide their faces or their efforts. While they were shitting they spoke and related with their neighbors. Neither there was difference between senators or traders..everyone went to the same toilets. Besides, we have to think that we're talk about one of the cleanest cities of the history, even though ...tehy had their own restrictions. If the toilet was in a rich zone they had a sponge attached a stick which used to clean the ass.If not, you had to use your hands. When you finish you could clean your hands or the stick with the sponge in some rails with water ( you can see in the pictures ). Here you are the sponge :

 And this is another thingthat you just know about Romans. :)

Look the pictures and answer the questions :

a. Identify the elements below in the picture:


b. Find out the meaning ot these words : clean, speak, hands, sit, ass, open, their, common, toilet
c. Write senteces using differents words.

Friday 4 April 2014

Ancient Republic Roman

In the V century the etrusc monarchy of the city of Rome finished because patricians and plebs tried to have more rights and, mainly, power. They elicited a revolt and instaured a Republic System. Plebs stayed out again and continuated complaining until They obtained the "Tribú de la Pleb". The Tribú was a people's representant who joined in the meetings about the decisions which affected to the city. But this wasn't enought and plebs wanted to have their rights more clearly, more secure. Finally They obtained the "Llei de les 12 taules" where there were different rights for plebs such as marriage with citizens or have possessions.

However most people stayed out of this system because women, slaves or strangers didn't have any right.

a. Look at the image and answer the questions:

1. Who chose the Senators? And the Magistrates?
2. Who were the most important magistrates? Why?
3. Look for who were the libertos
4. What was the Senate's function?
5. What could plebeians and liberti choose?