
Monday 24 March 2014

The beginning of Roman Empire

As the Greek Empire was controlling the Mediterranean Sea another Empire was starting to develop : Roman Empire. The Roman Empire started in the city of Rome in VIII BC aproximately when the latinos established the city among seven hills. Then the etruscos dominated the city.

The main aspects at the beginning of the city were its systme of government and its infrastructures. Regarding to the govern, the first system was a monarchic and, finally and after several objections, was set up the Republic. The infraestructures were the best in the period : walls, sewer, aqueduct...

As well was important the position taht played the religion because the romans were very believers.

1. Look the picture and answer : 

a. Can you say the name of the seven hills that involved the city?
b. What river would be important for the city?
c. What infrastructure can you see in the picture?

2. What did people manage the city at the beginning?

Monday 17 March 2014

Spanish's Evolution between 1931 and 1936

The Spain's Second Republic was a historical period in which the country changed of political system many times and it finished in a Civil War. The Second Republic lasted about 6 years and there were 3 stages. The first was the progress Biennal when the republicans, after to win the elections in 1931, arrived to the power. Their first measures were related with education, army, jobs and with the human and social rights. We have to think Spain were a subdevelopment country which procceded of a many years of monarchic and, in sometimes, dictatorial political system. The measures of the Republic were very accepted by the most of citizens except for who these measures affected directly such as Church, terratinent or Bourgeoise.

The problem was that people didn't see any appreciable changed and pressed to the government to made elections. In this elections, in 1933, a new government was formed. There were two main parties : CEDA and Lerroux's party. It was a Tory government that tried to erase the republican measures.

But the social pressure didn't change and there were strikes and revolts. In 1934 the Civil Army ( Guàrdia Civil ) killed some jornalers in Casas Viejas and this caused a new elections.

In this third occasion, the popular Front, a group of progressive parties, won and tried to return to the measures of 1931..but They couldn't because in Juliol of 1936 started the civil war after a Coup d'Etat.

Look at the picture : 

a. Who won the elections in each year?
b. Who were the possibilities to form a stable government?
c. How many stages were there in the Second Republic?

Thursday 13 March 2014

Looking for an missing airplane

Here you have the different resourses were  used to look for a missed airplane in March of 2014.

a. Can you guess the country the plane belongs? Why?
b. Can you say what the part of the Earth is? Why?
c. What is your opinion about the joinning of USA? Where is the European Union?
d. Do you think that all these resources are used in another problems around the world? Why ?
e. Try to write a summarize to explain the graph's information.

Tuesday 11 March 2014

What happened in the battle of Marathon?

In the V BC Century Athens became in the most important polis in Greece. However, it had a one terrible enemy, Persian Empire. Along some years Athens and Persian Empire were in war. They combated many glorious battle but only some of them have became in history. This is the case of the Marathon Battle.

In 490 BC the Empire Persian had conquered all Minor Asia and the most of lands of the east territories of Asia and only left Greece and the most valuos city, Athens. The batlle was occored in Marathon , a plain between the location of two armies. Athens sent to the best army, the hoplites, and said to their women and childs that if they wouldn't come back, They should kill.

The battle was longer than Athens citizens had thought and when it finished They only had a bit time to warn to the Athens' people that They had won. One soldier had to run the distance between the two cities ( 42 kilometers ) and could warn to the citizens and then he dead.

This event is represented in all Olimpic Games like a Marathon competition and is one of the most importants proves in the Games.

a. What happened in Marathon?
b. What are the two Empires who were combating?
c. Look at the picture and answer:
1.  What day did the battle of Marathon happen?
2. How many Greeks are there ? And persians?
3. Who won the battle?

Monday 10 March 2014

At the beginning of XX century

The situation in Spin at the beginning of XX century was very complicated because there were different topics that had a hard and improbable solution. First of all was political situation. After the coming to power of Alfons XIII many things changed in Spain. It were formed two main political groups who mixed the political power and They didn't let join to the rest of political forces. The second main problem was the situation of army. Bad wages, problems between army in Spain and army in Africa because the wages and the possibilities to improve into the Army were different.
The third main problem was the economical situation. Most of people didn't have too money.

As well there was a phenomenon called like "pistolerisme" that means the contract to some people killed political adversaries. In this situation in 1923 Primo de Rivera imposed a dictationship with the monarch support. This dictationship ended in 1929 when Primo de Rivera lost his supports because He couldn't give solution to the country's problems.

Alfons XIII took the decision to do elections and the republicans won.This event caused that Alfons XIII had to present his resignation.

1. Look the pitcture and answer :

a. Where were the main problems in 1917?
b. What were the causes?
c. What was the first solution to the problems? And next solution? ( help with your class book )

Wednesday 5 March 2014

The spreading of ancient Greeks

Greece was a civilization that needed to trade to develop itself. Greeks surfed tle Mediteranean Sea since centuries ago and They knew all you have to know of this skill. They searched , mainly, metals.

When They arrived to an interesting place they could create a colony. This was a city , like a greek polis, that depended on one greek polis ( metropoli ) but beteen two cities, metropoli and colony, only existed a trade agreement. This system as well let send people who didn't have job or house or opportunities to grow in the polis and the government found a solution with this emigration.

Greeks expanded by different teritories and established many colonies such a Empòriom, Massàlia o Rhodes. The three most important areas taht Greek colonized were Magna Italy ( south of Italy ), East of Iberian Peninsula, South of France and areas near Black Sea.

Greeks brought language, culture, religion and arts but, besides, they took new tools or method to improve their production, economic or social systems.

1. Look the picture

a. Where are the main polis?
b. What were the main routes of greeks?
c. What areas were more colonizated?
d. Can you say the name of some colonies?